


文章来源:http://wap.hsjkmc.com/  2014年02月19日  点击数:2596
Precise filtration of power active carbon and carbonyl powder catalyst



Abstract :The precise filtration of the powder active carbon and carbonyl powder catalysts from reaction liquid are chemical unit operations which are required widely in chemical and pharmaceutical manufactures . Because the filtrate qualities of these filtrating operations must be quite excellent , but these particles size of carbon powder is very small and penetrating to cake and media easily , resulting in “ leaking carbon ” becomes a difficult problem which is hard to avoid in above chemical operations . The features of these carbon powders would be described and the main progresses to solve these difficulties in last ten years by our company would be simply introduced .  

Key words :powder active carbon , carbonyl powder catalyst , precise filtration

Condensed version :

Powder active carbons are very excellent decolouring absorbent and carbonyl powder catalysts are powder catalysts with powerful catalyst function . More finer the carbon powder , more stronger the absorber and the catalyst function , but result to more difficult solid-liquid separation . In order to resolve this heavy difficulties , from early stage of this century , we are engaged in research works nearly ten years to contain all developments consist of filtering principle and laws for ultra-fine particles , new compositions of filtering media and new structures of precise cake filters etc. Some breakthrough progresses have been obtained , two thousand new precise cake filters used for powder active carbon have widely been applied in a large amount of pharmaceutical and fine chemical manufactures for a long time , two hundred new type precise cake filters of carbonyl powder catalyst have been applied in many pharmaceutical , fine chemical and farm chemical manufactures for a long time . Twenty new types of precise filters used to carbonyl powder catalyst with big diameter of 2.8m to 3.3m have been successfully applied in farm chemical factories .


1. Some characteristics in filtration of powder active carbon and carbonyl powder catalyst from liquid :

1.1 Ratio of the particle numbers of the sub-micron particles to all particles number of powder carbon particles are greater than 90%:

The powder carbon particles , either powder active carbon or carbonyl powder catalyst , although the sizes of the particles based on the volume are not very fine , but the sizes of the particles based on particles number are very fine . A powder active carbon with mark of 767 used for pharmaceutical manufacture the average size based on volume is 3.79μm , the 10% of all powder particles based on volume are less than 0.87μm , the 3% of all powder particles based on volume are less than    0.57 μm , nearly not fine , but the average size based on particles number is 0.17μm , the 3% of all powder particle numbers based on particles number are less than 0.0066μm , the 10% of all powder particles numbers based on particles number are less than 0.022μm, even though the 50% of all powder particles numbers based on particle number are also less than 0.056μm, or less than 56 nm . A carbonyl powder catalyst used for glyphosate manufacture , the average size based on volume is 2.92μm , the 10% of all particles based on volume are less than 0.46μm , nearly not fine , but the average size of particles based on particles number is 0.395μm , the 3% of all powder particles number are less than 0.1μm , the 10% of all powder particles number based on particles number are less than 0.12μm , even though the 50% of all powder particles number based on particles number are also less than 0.25μm . Above two powder carbons , the 90% of carbon particles number based on particles number are less than 1μm . These carbon powder particles should belong to sub-micron powers .

1.2 Fine particles of carbon powder penetrating easily through the capillary pores in cake and media :

The surface of carbon powder particles are no adsorbable water layer . The compressibility of these particles are very small , the cake consisting with above carbon powder particles are incompressible . The capillary pores in the cake and filtering media should be not less than 1μm. 90% of carbon powder particles are less than 1μm, therefore the particles of sub-micron , especially the particles of less than 0.5μm will certainly be penetrated through the capillary pores of cake and filtering media under pushing action of filtrate liquid , then easy result in “ leaking carbon ” to the filtrate liquid and blockage of filtering media .

1.3 Higher temperature of filtering operations result in “ leaking carbon ” and damaging media :

The temperature of filtering operation for the powder active carbon and carbonyl powder catalyst from liquid would be not less than 80~100℃, the viscosity and surface tension must be reduced , therefore, not only to increase “ leaking carbon ” , but also to enhance the damage velocities of filtering media by decolorising liquid or catalyst action liquid such as acids , alkalies , salts and organic solvents . 

2. New achievements in precise filtration technology :

2.1 New achievement of filtering media :

2.1.1 Microporous tubes of two meters with higher equilibrium in one finishing be a success : 

   Although the new filtering media such as microporous tubes of PE and PA have been produced for 40 and 30 years , but the length of a tube which can be finished only is one meter . If needing 1.5 or 2 meters , it would be adhered with hot melting , resulting to breaking in nearby adherent surface frequently .

The microporous PE tubes of two meters in one finish have been successfully produced in 2007 and the microporous PA tubes of two meters in one finish have been successfully produced in 2008. After measuring 18 samples cutting from one microporous PA tube of 2 m long, the fluctuating of the average pore sizes and the average porosities are about 5% . It indicates the quality of microporous PA is very outstanding . The manufactures of microporous PA tubes are more difficult than the PE tubes owing to very fine raw material of multicomponent mixture .

2.1.2 Large diameter microporous plates with ability resisting anti-pressures of 10 Kg/cm2have been successfully researched :

After research and development for 8 years , a large diameter microporous plates with ability resisting anti-pressure of 10 Kg/cm2have been successfully researched in 2008 , the maximum size of plate is 1.8×1.8 m .

Picture 1 is microporous plate ofΦ800 mm . It was making air bubbling under water with air of 10 Kg/cm2.  

Picture 2 is microporous plate of 1.8×1.8 m . These microporous plates have the ability of resisting anti-pressure of 10 Kg/cm2.    

       Picture 1                       Picture 2

2.1.3 The antioxidant ability of microporous filtering media obviously strengthen :


The microporous PE and PA can resist any acids , alkalies , and organic solvents , but cant resist strong oxidizer . The microporous PE and PA could be used for three month only under strong oxidizer (vigorous oxidation and vigorous chlorination ) . Now a new microporous PE and PA with new compositions have been applied for one year under strong oxidizer in same production site and same condition .

2.2 New achievements for constructions of precise filters:

2.2.1 Developing of constructions for large diameter bottom cover with quick opening : Developing of constructions with multiple hooks for large diameter bottom cover with quick opening :

The construction with multiple hooks was developed by us in the beginning of this century , then a new precise filter with large diameter of 1.6~1.8 m bottom cover has been soon developed and has widely been used to filter powder active carbon and carbonyl powder catalyst .

Picture 3 are the appearance of filters with diameter of 1.6 m bottom cover provided with multiple hooks .

                 Picture 3 Developing of construction with rotating hooks for large diameter bottom cover with quick opening :

A new construction of quick opening bottom cover with 1.6 m provided rotating hooks has been successfully developed by us during 2008~2012 .

The new construction has good function of self-lock , operating conveniently , and a bottom cover with diameter of bigger than 2 m could easily be manufactured .

2.2.2 Developing of new constructions within precise filters :

Some new constructions within precise filters have uninterruptedly developed from 2000 , in order to wash the cake within precise filters efficiently and quickly , and to discharge the dry cake from precise filter conveniently , no requiring arduous labors .

Picture 4 is the new construction of bottom cover with horizontal arranging of filtering media .

Picture 5 is the appearance for new filter of carbonyl powder catalyst with no bottom cover .


3. Conclusion:

   The rigid polymer precise microporous filtration technologies are new filtering technologies of independent innovation which have been researched and developed for forty-six years . It has inherent advantages such as excellent filtering qualities , operating convenient , long use life , energy saving , materials saving , emission reduction . Owing to lack of full fund and basic conditions for research and development in earlier stage , leaving countless technical difficult problems must be continuously researched . In early of this century , in order to effectively resolve the filtration , washing and dewatering of powder active carbon and carbonyl powder catalyst due to urgency need from many production factories . We make development continuously for more than ten years . Some new major achievements in filtering media and constructions of precise filters finally have acquired . In this paper , some main progresses of filtering media and constructions of precise filters should be simply described .


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            雷沃谷神收割机 vacon变频器 隔而固(青岛)振动控制有限公司 广东英得尔实业发展有限公司 混凝土泵车价格表 凯马对接垃圾车 truspec 以太坊最新价格行情 moxa交换机官网 四川远境劳务服务有限公司 桌面d打印 knf隔膜泵官网 开发晶照明(厦门)有限公司 欧姆龙传感器官网 上海佳悦化妆学校 hotdisk 中电变压器联系电话 燃料电池测试系统 sotax 铁宝贝二手工程机械网 npn是高电平还是低电平 xp303 农机通官网 兴安日报登报电话 青岛环控设备有限公司 青岛富勒姆 ecs-7000mf 掉脑袋机械舞 hj557-2010 江南造船集团 卡特挖掘机型号大全及价格 花生收割机 全自动机械表男表 起重机图片 济南伊莱克斯空调移机 南充日报登报电话 中国机械人才网 混凝土搅拌车价格 机械人才网 omron plc 重庆仪器仪表有限公司 博世 招聘 悬挂起重机 easytest 海尔集团总裁 机械革命笔记本 机械神皇txt下载 boraocut 唐山造价信息 最新科技成果 开关电源型号 中船风电发展有限公司 5000ppm 长江金属有色金属网 dc2.4 液体工作站 nmea-0183 全球金属网金属行情长江现货 深圳宇泰科技有限公司 acd/labs 124du在线观看 中国品牌钻石深圳 中船广西船舶及海洋工程有限公司 船舶人才网 装载机价格 机械女仆第一季 佳木斯百姓网 南国早报遗失登报 维萨拉官网 广西日报公告登报电话 伟肯变频器官网 船舶人才网 凯马对接垃圾车 labonchip 北京安控科技股份有限公司 filmetrics 蓓蓓佳社区 80塔吊臂长及规格参数 西安东风仪表厂 qtz125塔吊型号及参数 石家庄寒山数据恢复 亚沸酸蒸清洗器 www.bosc.cn 化妆品配方师培训 粉体真密度测定仪 海外劳务输出公司 凯士比阀门 博世角磨机 tscan m17培养基 雷沃谷神收割机 cm-3600a 杭州谷歌seo公司哪家好 bearings iso17034 黄页推广app 欧姆龙(上海)有限公司 iso3082 不锈钢板标准 aopen 约翰迪尔拖拉机 长江金属有色金属网 博世汽车部件(长沙)有限公司 智能燃气表市场研究报告 山河智能挖掘机 长江镍业网 上海通用电气 齐齐哈尔百姓网 南国早报遗失登报 truspec 融营智能科技(上海)有限公司 废铜回收价格 robostar compactpci 南京人力资源培训报名 318型巡逻艇 skf轴承报价 深圳市财付通科技有限公司 长江铝锭价格今日铝价行情走势图 国际黄金行情 长江有色金属网今日价格走势图 东莞家具公司 机械革命x5 惠州钢结构夹层 欧镭激光雷达 中船澄西船舶修造有限公司 徐州工程机械 南京科技有限公司 cat.no 东莞灯光音响工程 常州莱克斯诺传动设备有限公司 www.zyzhan.com jiecang 泰安亮化工程 北京加隆工程机械有限公司 博世工具官网 有色金属板块 辽沈晚报广告部 赣州打温泉井施工队 洛阳伊莱克斯空调清洗 qtrap 广东食品机械 idpbg 北京邀约外包 石英砂价格走势图 rie刻蚀 raytrix 有色金属报价 麦克维尔空调保修 安徽水利开发股份有限公司 碧迪医疗器械 机械革命x1 机械战警大战僵尸 黄页网站在线看免费 德国bosch 土耳其航空电话 和田日报登报电话 skf进口轴承 卡特挖掘机型号大全及价格 南京ups维修 25952-53-8 fraclab 花纹板规格 中船华南船舶机械有限公司 感应门维修 铣刨机租赁 螺杆压缩机 紫光古汉蜂胶 精密五金加工 产经新闻报 qcm-d a50期货指数实时行情 tekmar 太阳能发电厂家交大蓝天 斯凯孚轴承 dhg-9140a qtz63塔吊参数 深圳房屋托管 长江有色金属网铜价 欧姆龙编程软件官网下载步骤 欧姆龙官方网站 分类垃圾桶厂家 汇晶润 北京智华天成科技有限公司 塑料储罐无锡裕顺环保设备 股市 行情 自噬抑制剂 中国造船厂 三氧化二锑价格 富士康最新消息 ichq3d 广东食品机械 沪铜今日行情最新价格 aktapure 欧姆龙(上海)有限公司 北京泰维峰 西门子数字化工业集团 紫光古汉蜂胶 上海佳悦化妆学校 广东英得尔实业发展有限公司 富士康科技 国际黄金行情 欧姆龙(上海)有限公司 济南电子机械工程学校 北京安控科技股份有限公司 满江红隐茶杯 赣州打温泉井施工队 ge plc官网 www.zyzhan.com 中国收获机械总公司 辊式破碎机 中国金属资源利用有限公司 索斯机械兽第三部 金属材料网 盐城压印地坪 重庆仪器仪表有限公司 沈阳铁路局电话 金宏贵金属回收 长江有色金属网价格 富士康产品 烟台奥克斯空调 dr160 广州礼品公司 青岛美光机械有限公司 四川远境劳务服务有限公司 马氏木工机械官网 惠州钢结构夹层 onoo- 今日废铜回收价格 春城晚报登报电话 远东哈里斯 131-58-8 中国金属资源利用有限公司 杭州日报登报电话多少 pegfp-n1载体 机械革命笔记本 欧姆龙plc软件 成都富士康怎么样 富士康科技集团招聘 proclin 山东斯诺电子有限公司 金利燃气灶维修点 天津科技有限公司 339.7石油套管 单梁桥式起重机 博创机械股份有限公司 vacon变频器 3-mcpd 黄页视频网站 黄页88登录 德国机械加工视频 318型巡逻艇 富士康科技集团招聘 富士康公司 北京邀约外包 广东英得尔实业发展有限公司 二手10吨叉车 中国稀土网 南国早报遗失登报 装载机价格 花纹板重量 三一重工挖掘机 南京科技有限公司 机械师笔记本好不好 清苑西瓜代办 ec200 tatung 机械迷城五子棋攻略 企业名录网 3-mcpd 二手10吨叉车 徐州徐工施维英机械有限公司 江苏工控机风扇硬件 中国外协机械加工网 山东省机械工业协会 再生塑料机械 棉花期货最新实时行情 杭州培冉机电有限公司 大连理想食品有限公司 上海清水压模地坪 富士康老总 tescan 女机械人国语完整版 凹凸精密机械有限公司 supermax pspax2 商丘日报登报电话 不锈钢食品机械 博世汽车配件 天威新能源 博西家用电器 b16-ova 垃圾车厂家 中船717所 南京ups维修 putzmeister 山东省中小企业公共服务平台 常州莱克斯诺传动设备有限公司 田黄印章有人收吗 iso3082 洛阳奥克斯空调清洗 青岛碱业股份有限公司 特种设备起重机械 用友移动商街 petduet-1 徐州工程机械技师学院 e6b2-cwz6c 合肥爱之桥婚介所 海外劳务输出公司 机械革命笔记本 那里收购十字绣八骏图 有色金属价格 日本电子扫描电镜 铁甲二手工程机械网 企业名录网 机械行业标准 金属材料网 碧迪医疗器械 硅钢片牌号 中国船舶系统工程研究院 gb/t3682 济南德力西 19snb 绿田机械股份有限公司 bosco 技嘉台湾官网首页 常州莱克斯诺传动设备有限公司 土壤介电常数测试仪 skf轴承代理 pet-32a 长江有色金属网价格 黄页网站在线看免费 宁波菲仕电机技术有限公司 德国机械加工视频 中船澄西船舶修造有限公司 辽宁省分析科学研究院 开化活动板房出租 多晶硅价格走势 博世角磨机 北京宇翔电子有限公司 安川伺服电机官网下载 欧姆龙传感器官网 周口日报登报电话 skf轴承代理 欧姆龙电子部件(深圳)有限公司 石家庄寒山数据恢复 盲盒小程序源码 三一重工挖掘机 徐州徐工施维英机械有限公司 13032618706 今日黄金价格走势 南国早报遗失登报 女机械人国语完整版 金价实时行情 有色金属板块 主动隔振台 ikba蛋白 伊莱瑞特生物科技有限公司 apob100 富士康是世界500强吗 din70121 铁甲二手工程机械网 组装机械霸王龙 挖掘机的故事 主动隔振台 vdac1 广东食品机械 福建省建设执业资格注册管理中心 全球金属网金属行情长江现货 胜华新能源科技(东营)有限公司 进口氮吹仪 ppara 铁甲工程机械论坛 管式土壤墒情监测站 中国铝材信息网 崇文门空调移机 微商网ws5 达尔优机械键盘 浙江正泰电器 机械cad软件下载 和田日报登报电话 专家:上海3例死亡病例是警醒 机械师2复活 电影 南车四方机车车辆股份有限公司 上海申克机械有限公司 多晶硅价格走势 长兴岛造船厂 集装箱起重机 橡胶漏电起痕试验机 中国船舶集团有限公司招聘 富士康集团 多晶硅价格走势 重庆南岸空调维修点 废铜回收价格 c2000佛山论坛 tekmar 青岛碱业股份有限公司 有机物和无机物 今日废铜回收价格表 aolong 悦己视觉婚纱摄影 全国团体标准信息 一道新能源科技(泰州)有限公司 339.7石油套管 aet介电常数测试仪 徐州重型机械有限公司 杭州纽蓝科技有限公司 全球金属网金属行情长江现货 橡胶漏电起痕试验机 以太坊币行情 vacon变频器 杭州谷歌seo公司哪家好 上海波特曼丽嘉酒店 11085 日立变频器 机械式自动变速箱 x-met8000 基因睾蛋白多少钱 机械设计手册破解版 e6b2-cwz6c 武汉晚报遗失登报 benmark 南充日报登报电话 崇文门空调移机 金属材料网 omron传感器 三维荧光光谱仪 优创科技有限公司 宁波鄞州区修空调 机械女仆第一季 植物凝集素 韩国sz女装广州格雅 赛尔号机械精灵王 欧姆龙触摸屏软件 农机通官网 cellink 临界点干燥仪 c2000佛山论坛 机械式自动变速箱 3419厂 上海有色金属价格行情 dataray 人口普查结果 恒天汽车股份有限公司 博世汽车配件 石油裂化管舜冶金属 博世中国投资有限公司 北京特倍福电子技术有限公司 25952-53-8 佛珠加工机械设备 机械女仆第一季 南京人力资源培训报名 沪东中华造船集团有限公司 深圳南山杀白蚁公司 博世是哪个国家的品牌 混凝土搅拌车价格 智加科技 上市 上海有色铜价格今日价格 过敏性鼻炎用什么药效果最好 npn是高电平还是低电平 南充志高空调清洗 硅钢片牌号 常州莱克斯诺传动设备有限公司 bruker官网 qcm-d 7020塔吊起重详细参数 sw-cj-1fd 福建日报登报电话 自动机械表误差 synergyh1 jiecang 上海有色金属价格行情 上海佳悦化妆学校 多晶硅的用途 今日黄金价格走势 fcsl是什么船公司 moxa交换机官网 废铜价格最新行情 omron plc 太阳能发电厂家交大蓝天 中船风电发展有限公司 纽荷兰拖拉机 徐州徐工施维英机械有限公司 奥盛仪器有限公司 满江红隐茶杯 徐州重型机械有限公司 黄页推广app 892683rq 粮油加工与食品机械 中船澄西船舶修造有限公司 深圳南山杀白蚁公司 财务计算器在线 892683rq 挖掘机出租 惠州日报登报电话 a50期货指数实时行情 九江历源整流设备有限公司 零点自动化 中国收获机械总公司 铜线电阻率 许昌饮品代理
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